#WGS8 Delta IV rocket by United Launch Alliance, burning off hydrogen fumes before lift-off, seen from pad (Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 37). This sequence of 8 photos spans just over 3 seconds.

Aftermath: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 37 after #WGS8 Delta IV rocket by United Launch Alliance approximately 90 minutes after launch.

The streak to the right of Space Shuttle Atlantis' retirement home is a 143 second exposure of the #WGS8 Delta IV rocket launched by United Launch Alliance at 6:53pm on December 7, 2016. Two Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex / Delaware North exmployees are looking on (left) while a stredy stream of people were rushing to the viewing area KSCVC had set up to the right. (Photo by Michael Seeley for We Report Space)

#WGS8 Delta IV rocket by United Launch Alliance seen from pad (Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 37), lifting off. My thanks to fellow We, reporting space, Jared Haworth for constructing the amazing timed dew heater that certainly made this shot possible. Jared also lent me a stake to hold my remote camera (referred to as the SeeleyRemote(tm)) in place after I broke my stake.

#WGS8 Delta IV rocket by United Launch Alliance seen from pad (Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 37), lifting off. My thanks to fellow We, reporting space, Jared Haworth for constructing the amazing timed dew heater that certainly made this shot possible. Jared also lent me a stake to hold my remote camera (referred to as the SeeleyRemote(tm)) in place after I broke my stake.

#WGS8 Delta IV rocket by United Launch Alliance, burning off fumes before ignition, seen from pad (Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 37). My thanks to fellow We, reporting space, Jared Haworth for constructing the amazing timed dew heater that certainly made this shot possible. Jared also lent me a stake to hold my remote camera (referred to as the SeeleyRemote(tm)) in place after I broke my stake.

#WGS8 Delta IV rocket by United Launch Alliance + butterfly, seen here launch day morning.

#WGS8 Delta IV rocket by United Launch Alliance, seen here launch day morning.

#WGS8 Delta IV rocket by United Launch Alliance, seen here launch day morning.